The Week of Prayer for
North American Missions And
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
March 2-9, 2025
Go to https://anniearmstrong.com/ for
more information and resources!
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) is the primary way Southern Baptists fund missions in North America. One hundred percent of gifts given to AAEO go to the field to support more than 3,000 missionary families serving across the United States and Canada.
How Do Your Gifts Make A Difference?
Your gifts are used to train and resource missionaries in church planting and compassion ministries. Gifts are also used to create evangelism resources. New churches are being planted, hurts are being healed and lives are being transformed by the gospel because you give. Thank you for giving generously so people in the US and Canada can hear the gospel!
Children and Youth Missions Celebration!
Saturday, March 29th
From 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
North Wadesboro Baptist Church
Please register by April 1st at: https://forms.gle/tPzD2qnX4StvBS3c8
All Young People in
Grades 1 – 12 are invited!
Hear International Missionaries Danny & Sherry!!
Mission Stories! Crafts! Hands on Mission Activities! Pizza! Snacks! And Recreation!!
Bring A Friend!!
March 2025 Calendar
March 2-8: Week of Prayer for North American Missions
March 6: Policy & Procedure Team 6 PM
March 9: Day Light Savings Time Ends
March 10: Executive Council 6 PM
March 11: Leadership Team 6:30 PM
March 16: 3:16 on 3/16 Sunday
March 18: WMU Annual Meeting 6 PM,
March 18: Residency Project 11 AM Weddington 1st Bap
March 29: Children's and Youth Mission Celebration
Disaster Relief Training/Whiteville
March 30: Singing at Deep Springs BC 6 PM
​​​​​​​March Birthdays
Debbie Cash – 18
Teddy Lawson – 28
March Anniversaries
Dennis & Robin Stegall – 7
Tim & Kristi Helms – 30
April 2025 Calendar
April 5: Children & Youth Missions Celebration, North Wadesboro, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
April 13: ABA Spring Meeting, Faith Baptist Church at 6:00 PM
April 20: Happy Easter!
April 27: Fill the Tank Sunday
March 9
Turn Your
Clocks forward one hour before you go to bed!
Engaging With David Ross
I believe in missions. If someone had not shared the good news of salvation with me, I would be lost, suffering in sin, and headed toward hell. I believe in missions because Jesus believes in missions. We can find a version of His command to go and tell the world about salvation through faith in His life, death and resurrection in all four gospels., but once is enough.
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15)
The United States is our people, our family, our friends, our co-workers, and it is estimated that millions are lost, suffering in their sins now and headed for an eternity in hell. Thank God the North American Mission Board is hard at work sharing the gospel and planting churches to reach these millions of unchurched people, including right here in North Carolina! Praying and giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering are two ways that you can help to bring the light and hope of Christ to the dark and deluded people who live in our country, Canada and US territories. When you pray and give, you help bring the light of Jesus to millions of people all across North America. Please pray for our chaplains and church planters who are on the front lines sharing the gospel day in and day out. Please give generously so that we can train and send more. There are so many lost! So many need Christ! Help us make a difference through your prayers and generosity!
100% of every dollar given to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering supports thousands of missionaries across the
U.S. and Canada.
WMU Annual Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Food & Fellowship at 6 PM
Service begins at 7 PM
March 18, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Grace Senior Center
Disasters don't plan ahead - but your
church can! NCBAM is ready to help!
Our North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM) will be at the Grace Senior Center, 199 NC-742, Wadesboro, NC 28170 on March 18th at 10:00 AM to share how we can better prepare for disasters and help others too. For more information call: 877-506-2226.
The Union-Anson Residency Project
Next Cohort Meeting, March. 18th
From 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church of Weddington
Speaker: David Kiehn
A ministry of education and encouragement for new ministers. For more information or to sign up, go to: https://www.residencyproject.org/ or contact David Ross, revdwr76@gmail.com or (252) 396-1368.
Don′t miss out on 3:16 on 3/16, an evangelism-focused Sunday dedicated to proclaiming the gospel on March 16 (3/16) by sharing the truth of John 3:16 to those in our church pews and to our communities beyond. What can you and your church do to share the Good News?
March 22, 2025
Eastern Hills Baptist Church
4855 Albemarle Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Cost: $15
Parents are called to pass faith on to their children but often feel ill-equipped for this God-given mandate. This is evident in the number of young adults walking away from the church and their faith. It is time to change the Scorecard!
Register at: https://form.jotform.com/243373542972159
Deep Springs Baptist Church 5th Sunday Night Singing
March 30 at 6:00 pm
Address: 1908 Deep Springs Road., Peachland
Pastor: Henry Haney
Groups: LBC: Steve Lear, Jimmy Webb, Stan Harward and John Seago
Four His Glory: Amy Yarborough, Amy Eddins, Katelynn Dermid and Amanda Moak
We would like to extend an invitation to come and enjoy a wonderful night of great singing.
Please come! March 30 at 6:00 pm.
April 27, 2025
On April 27, N.C. Baptist churches from across the state will join together to “Fill the Tank,” celebrating baptisms and new life in Christ. It is not really about baptizing, that is the victory celebration, it is about winning souls for Jesus Christ! If you want to have a victory party, then you need to get in the race! You can’t win if you are not running! So, start praying, planning, witnessing, and sharing Christ between now and April 27th, so that maybe you will be able to celebrate how Jesus has changed some lives in your church by having a baptismal service too!
To learn more and to commit your church to “Fill the Tank,” visit www.fillthetanknc.com. Even if you are not planning on being a part of Fill the Tank, it is worth going to the website and checking out the great evangelism resource links on the page! There is also a great article about Fill the Tank at: https://ncbaptist.org/article/how-your-church-can-prepare-to-fill-the-tank-on-april-7/
May God help you to plant “seeds” of the gospel all over your community until He brings a wonderful spiritual harvest!
Our work of rebuilding homes destroyed by hurricane Helene will be ongoing for several years. Would you help us to get people back in their homes through the ERR (Essential Rapid Repairs) Program? For more information, to register, or to serve go to: https://www.helenerebuild.org/ or https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/By-Mission-Type/Disaster-Relief/Hurricane-Helene
If you have questions please contact Paul Langston at 800.395.5102, ext. 5611 or plangston@ncbaptist.org. To volunteer in the rebuild ministry go to: https://baptistsonmission.org/helene-volunteer-rebuild .
ABA Help for Churches making Disaster Relief or Rebuild Trips
To assist a little with the expenses of churches and Baptist Men/Baptist On Mission groups who are doing disaster relief or rebuild trips, the Anson Association is offering up to $300 for each church's trip per year to help with their expenses (as long as the funds last). We only have a $1000 set aside for this ministry per year. Please keep in mind that it takes time for the ABA Missions Team to receive and process requests, and then to send it to the representative of the church. Please contact our office for more information or an application, at least two weeks before your trip. Thank you for your heart for missions, and your compassion for those in need!
Anson County
Ministry Needs
The Anson Crisis Ministry need for March is green beans. ACM needs volunteers to serve, and monetary donations are appreciated too. Hours are Tuesday-Friday, 8 am until 1 pm. Margot Barnes is director and can be reached at 704-694-2445. You can access more information at: www.ansoncrisisministry.com.
HOPE Crisis Pregnancy Resource Center is asking for volunteers to serve as well as donations of diapers and wipes. They are located at 101 Moore’s Lake Road, Wadesboro, and can be reached at 704-690-6689. Rebekah Carpenter is the director. For additional information go to: http://hprc-anson.org .
Anson Domestic Violence Coalition is in need of cleaning and hygiene products for their clients. Also appreciated are gift cards that clients may use from Dollar General, Food Lion, or Visa card for gas. For assistance or information, reach out to Karen Baucom, director, at 704-694-4499.
Feed My Lambs provides food and clothing to the needy of our area. To volunteer in this ministry, donate, or seek assistance, please contact them at 704-695-1820 or PO Box 91, Wadesboro, NC 28170. Donations of canned and dry foods are accepted as well. To learn more about Feed My Lambs, you may go to https://www.feedmylambsnc.com/ . They are located at 2290 Hwy. 74 W, Wadesboro.
Burnsville Recreation & Learning Center welcomes volunteers and financial support. All donations are tax deductible. Volunteers can serve any day and any amount of time between 9 am and 1 pm, 7 days a week. Mentors are also needed to tutor children in reading and math from 4-5 in the afternoon. Others are needed with job-seeking tasks. If you can help, please contact Carol Smith, Director, at 704-778-7478. BRLC is located at 13349 Hwy. 742N, Polkton, NC, 28135.
Let’s Go Fishing for People!
Share a Christian gospel pamphlet with a friend.
Share a Christian video with a friend
Help a friend with a need.
Remind someone that God loves them.
Do you have breaking news that you want to share with your sister churches in the Anson Baptist Association? We would love to help you share it! Please turn in your information by the 15th of the previous month.
We thank the following Churches for their February financial support of the mission and ministry of the Anson Baptist Association in February 2025: Calvary, Deep Creek, Freedom, Gum Springs, Lilesville, Morven, Mt. Beulah, New Home, Peachland, Pleasant Grove, Polkton, & Victory
Start Planning For…
Serve NC
August 2-9, 2025
Any project. Any day. ServeNC is an opportunity for every NC Baptist church to love its community in Jesus' name through service projects.